Calgary SEO
Calgary SEO
Make a splash on the web with Ducktoes!

Whether or not your business is in Calgary, we can get you to the top of search. We use SEO strategies that will put your business on top. We find out what keywords you need for your clients and then make you rank high for those keywords. SEO has never been easier.

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Victoria SEO
Victoria SEO
Make a splash on the web with Ducktoes!

Go to the top of Google! At Ducktoes, we use Victoria SEO strategies that will put your business on top of the local market. We find out what keywords you need for your clients and then make you rank high for those keywords. SEO Victoria has never been easier.

This is a small icon of a thumbs up for being winner SEO sites.
Press Release
Calgary Press Release
Improve your ranking on Google and other Search Engines

Our Calgary Seo Services provides many onsite and offsite strategies for increasing ranking. These include improving your site content, developing influencer relationships, using markup and schema, creating latent SEO semantic indexing, and increasing offsite visibility. Another of these is to market your company through press releases. Our content writers will market your company with various media press releases expose your company online across the web.

We are SEO experts and will improve your Google rankings to the first page within several months.

Calgary Press Release
Citation Sites
Top Canadian Citation Sites
List your company's website on Canada's Leading Business Directories

Listing your company's business information in major citation sites will increase your rankings in local search and Google maps. It is also important for more general SEO. . Having your site listed on quality business directories will give valuable authority to your website.Here are a few sites to get you started...

Citations link to your site and help ranking.
Business Directories
Calgary Business Directories
List Your Company with Us

List your company with one of our directories. Your listing will improve your SEO and help you get found on the web.....

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Ducktoes SEO Step 1 - Technical SEO Audit

Welcome to Ducktoes SEO, your trusted partner for Technical SEO services. In the fast-paced digital world, having a visually appealing website is not enough. To achieve higher search engine rankings and deliver an exceptional user experience, your website must be optimized technically. Our team of experienced SEO experts is here to help you unlock the true potential of your online presence through strategic Technical SEO solutions.

Step 1 of our SEO Steps is a Technical SEO Audit for your website. At Ducktoes SEO, we know that optimizing your website for search engines is a critical component of your online success. That’s why we are here to help you with your Technical SEO Audit.

Our team of experienced SEO professionals is committed to providing you with a comprehensive analysis of your website’s technical SEO health. From site structure to crawlability and indexability, we will identify any technical issues that are hindering your website’s visibility in search engine results.

Our tailored Technical SEO Audit includes a comprehensive report with detailed recommendations on how to improve your website’s visibility and performance in search engines. Our goal is to help you increase your online presence, reach more potential customers and grow your business. Contact us today to learn more about our Technical SEO Audit services.

What is Technical SEO?

Search Engine Optimization.

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the technical elements of a website to enhance its visibility and performance in search engines. Unlike on-page and off-page SEO, Technical SEO focuses on the behind-the-scenes aspects that directly impact how search engine bots crawl, index, and understand your website.

Our Technical SEO Services:

  1. Website Speed Optimization: We analyze your website’s loading speed and implement various optimizations to ensure swift and smooth user experiences. A faster website not only improves search engine rankings but also reduces bounce rates and enhances user satisfaction.
  2. Mobile-Friendly Optimization: With the majority of internet users browsing on mobile devices, we prioritize making your website fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Our experts ensure that your site adapts flawlessly to different screen sizes, thus improving your chances of ranking higher in mobile search results.
  3. Crawlability and Indexing: We ensure that search engine crawlers can efficiently navigate and index your website’s content. Our team addresses any issues that may hinder crawling, such as broken links, faulty redirects, and improper use of robots.txt.
  4. Site Structure and URL Optimization: A well-organized website structure and clean URL architecture enhance user experience and search engine readability. We optimize your site’s hierarchy and URLs for better indexation and user navigation.
  5. Canonicalization and Duplicate Content Management: Duplicate content can dilute your website’s search visibility. We employ canonical tags and other best practices to resolve duplicate content issues and consolidate ranking signals.
  6. Schema Markup Implementation: By incorporating structured data through schema markup, we help search engines better understand your content. This can lead to rich snippets in search results, which can boost your click-through rates.
  7. HTTPS Implementation: We prioritize website security by ensuring the implementation of HTTPS. Secure websites instill trust in users and are rewarded with a slight ranking boost by search engines.
  8. XML Sitemap Optimization: We create and optimize your XML sitemap, enabling search engines to quickly discover and index your site’s pages.

Why Choose Ducktoes SEO for Technical SEO:

Ducktoes SEO can get your website to the top of the Google ranks.

  1. Proven Expertise: Our team comprises skilled and experienced SEO professionals with a track record of delivering successful Technical SEO campaigns.
  2. Customized Strategies: We understand that every website is unique, so we tailor our Technical SEO strategies to meet your specific needs and goals.
  3. Data-Driven Approach: Our decisions are backed by data and thorough analysis, ensuring the most effective optimizations are implemented.
  4. Transparency: We believe in open communication and transparency with our clients, providing regular progress reports and updates.


Investing in Technical SEO is essential to elevate your website’s search engine visibility and user experience. At Ducktoes SEO, we bring together technical expertise, data-driven strategies, and a dedication to helping your website thrive in the digital landscape. Let us optimize your website’s technical foundation and unlock its full potential. Get in touch with our team today to discuss how we can propel your online success through Technical SEO services.