Here’s a wonderful website that allows you to listen to free music on your computer over the internet. It is called Jango. You can even choose the kind of music or the artist. Right now for instance you can listen to Christmas music and even choose from several varieties. There are also apps for your android or iphone so you can also listen to Jango in the car.
You can listen to different stations like music from the 80’s or Country or Indie. You can also make up your own radio station with all your favorites.
Here is the site: Jango.com.
Other sites are CBC music webpage, last.fm, and Yahoo music.
I’ll add to this list as I find them.
If you want help listening to music on your computer, Ducktoes can help. We can give advice over the phone or come into your computer remotely, or show you at the shop. Come and see us or call us anytime.