Chrome Browser Rocks
[ad name=”new”] It also adds and subtracts, multiplies and divides. Yes, Chrome is a calculator. Just put any problem (expression) you want solved into Chrome’s
Ducktoes Computer Services >> Improve Your Life with Technology
[ad name=”new”] It also adds and subtracts, multiplies and divides. Yes, Chrome is a calculator. Just put any problem (expression) you want solved into Chrome’s
[ad name=”new”] Use Chrome Remote Desktop At a barbecue on the 4th of July, my nephew Matthew showed me how he could access his desktop
[ad name=”new”] I write fiction in my spare time and blog for work. I’m always looking for ways to improve my writing skills. This month I
[ad name=”new”] Another great way to connect with people you care about or need to do business with is Google Hangout. It is replacing Google
[ad name=”new”] I love Skype. It lets me visit my children when they’re not at home or living in Calgary. I’m the kind of mother
At Ducktoes we can help you use technology and computers to make your life or business work better for you. One way we can help
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