This Phish will Bite your Butt
[ad name=”new”] Here’s a youtube video from Sophos that shows how you can get infected from a Google Ad advertising Norton. Note how on the
Ducktoes Computer Services >> anti-virus >> Page 2
[ad name=”new”] Here’s a youtube video from Sophos that shows how you can get infected from a Google Ad advertising Norton. Note how on the
[ad name=”new”] In December, Apple announced that Mac users should install anti-virus protection, but since then, they’ve withdrawn the story. However, it makes sense, as
[ad name=”new”] I’m often asked what free anti-virus I recommend. Unfortunately no one anti-virus can remove all viruses. In our Calgary computer repair shop we
[ad name=”Google Adsense”] I like AVG…no bones about it. And I recommend it to my clients because it’s easy to use and it’s reliable and
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