10 Reasons Why Your Calgary Business Needs SEO Now

10 Reasons Why Your Calgary Business Needs SEO Now

Photo by Timo Stern on Unsplash

SEO is like a first date—if you don’t make a good first impression, you’re probably not getting a second chance. But unlike a first date, where you might only need to worry about bad breath and remembering to pay, SEO requires a bit more finesse. If you’re running a business in Calgary and wondering if you really need SEO, let me give you ten solid reasons why you should jump on the SEO bandwagon, stat. And to keep things interesting, I’ll share some personal tales of woe and triumph from my own SEO adventures.

1. Increase Your Online Visibility

Imagine you’ve got the best white chocolate and black currant scones in all of Calgary, but your store is tucked away in a back alley that no one knows about. SEO is like putting up a giant, flashing sign on Calgary’s busiest street, telling everyone where to find you. Without SEO, your business is as good as invisible online.

Anecdote: I have an SEO client who is a caterer. Her catering company is renown for its excellent food, service, creativity and making events special.  Ten years ago she didn’t rank in Google but since I started SEO for her company, she has always ranked at the top of Google. Search “Calgary caterer” by clicking here and see where Devour Catering comes up in search.

2. Build Credibility and Trust

People trust Google. If Google says you’re the best roofing company in Calgary, people are going to believe it. SEO helps you rank higher in search results, and that top spot translates into credibility and trust. It’s like being recommended by the most popular person in town.

Anecdote: Ducktoes has a roofing client Advanced Level Roofing. When we first started doing SEO for them, their website had four visitors a month and one office in Calgary. Now according to SEM Rush, they have 1200 visitors a month and offices in four cities including Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Kelowna. We rebuilt their website and got them ranking high on Google for many roofing keywords.

3. Attract Targeted Traffic

SEO isn’t about getting more traffic; it’s about getting the right traffic. It’s like opening a dog grooming business and SEO is your way of ensuring only dog owners walk through the door, not cat enthusiasts.

4. SEO Is a Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

You could spend thousands on billboards and flyers, or you could invest in SEO, which keeps working for you long after you’ve paid for it. SEO is like planting a tree—give it some attention, and it’ll keep bearing fruit for years.

Anecdote: I had a client who was pouring money into traditional advertising—billboards, radio spots, you name it. But the results were underwhelming. When I suggested reallocating some of that budget to SEO, they were skeptical. However, after just a few months, they were ranking on the first page for several key search terms, and the leads were pouring in. Best of all, the results continued to improve over time, without the need for constant reinvestment. It was the first time they realized the long-term value of SEO.

5. Stay Competitive in the Calgary Market

Your competitors are probably already using SEO. If you’re not, you’re like the one restaurant in Calgary that still doesn’t offer takeout—it’s just bad business. Don’t let them eat your lunch; get on board with SEO.

Anecdote: I remember working with a local retail store that was struggling to compete against larger chains and online retailers. The owner was ready to throw in the towel until we started focusing on local SEO. We targeted niche keywords and optimized their Google My Business profile. Within months, they were ranking above the big guys for local searches. The store saw an increase in both online orders and in-store visits, proving that with the right strategy, even a small business can compete with the giants.

Photo by Nataliia Kvitovska on Unsplash

6. Improve User Experience on Your Website

SEO is about more than just getting people to your site; it’s about keeping them there. A well-optimized site is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and looks good—just like a well-run store. If your site’s a mess, people will leave, and they won’t come back.

Anecdote: Early in my career, I worked on a website that was, to put it kindly, a hot mess. It was slow, cluttered, and hard to navigate. Visitors were bouncing faster than a Calgary Stampede rodeo rider. After a complete overhaul, focusing on user experience and SEO best practices, the site not only ranked higher but also saw a significant increase in time spent on the site. The client’s sales doubled, and they learned that a user-friendly site is just as important as being found in the first place.

7. Adapt to Changing Consumer Behavior

Consumers are increasingly using mobile devices and voice search to find businesses. If your SEO isn’t up to snuff, you’re missing out on a huge chunk of the market. It’s like ignoring the rise of online shopping—don’t be that business.

Anecdote: I had a client in the hospitality industry who was noticing a drop in bookings despite their website getting a lot of traffic. After digging into the data, we found that a significant portion of visitors were coming from mobile devices, but the site wasn’t mobile-friendly. We revamped the site to be responsive and optimized it for mobile SEO. The bounce rate plummeted, and bookings shot back up. It was a classic case of needing to adapt to how customers were finding and interacting with the business.

8. Achieve Long-Term, Sustainable Results

SEO isn’t a quick fix; it’s a long-term strategy. It’s like investing in quality tools for your workshop—they might cost more upfront, but they’ll save you money in the long run and do the job better.

Anecdote: One of my longest-running clients started working with me over five years ago. At first, they were frustrated because they didn’t see immediate results and were tempted to give up. But they stuck with it, and now they dominate the search results in their industry. Their traffic and leads have been steadily increasing year after year, and they’ve become the go-to business in their field. It’s a perfect example of how SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

9. Better ROI Than Traditional Marketing

With SEO, you can track everything—who visits your site, how they got there, what they did, and more. This data lets you refine your strategy and get the best return on your investment. It’s like being able to adjust your store layout based on how customers move through it.

Anecdote: A client of mine had been spending big bucks on print ads and flyers, with little to show for it. We shifted some of that budget to SEO and digital marketing, and suddenly they had detailed data on where their leads were coming from and how to improve their strategy. The result? A much higher ROI and the ability to make data-driven decisions. They’ve never looked back.

10. Drive More Foot Traffic to Your Physical Location

For local businesses, SEO is crucial for driving foot traffic. When people search for “best sandwich in Calgary,” you want them to find you. It’s like having a map that leads directly to your door.

Anecdote: One of my favorite success stories involves a local sandwich shop that was struggling to get noticed. Despite having the best sandwiches in town (seriously, they were amazing), they were buried in the search results. We optimized their site for local SEO, focused on getting positive reviews, and made sure they were visible on Google Maps. Soon, people were lining up out the door, and their business was thriving. SEO turned their business around, literally bringing customers to their doorstep.

Conclusion: Don’t Be the Best-Kept Secret

In the end, you don’t want your Calgary business to be the best-kept secret. Whether you’re running a café, a retail store, or any other local business, SEO is your ticket to being found by the right people at the right time. A solid SEO strategy will not only attract more visitors but also keep them coming back, boosting your credibility, visibility, and bottom line.
So, here’s my final piece of advice: don’t wait until your competitors have left you behind. Start your SEO journey today with Ducktoes Calgary SEO, and watch your Calgary business grow.